It all comes down to the Mix 

Be Ready When It Comes

Learning a DAW is one thing but learning how to Mix and Master is pure experience Mixed with passion and Mastering the fundamental knowledge of it all.
The Pro Mixing Forum is the number one place on the internet to learn the fundamentals of mixing and mastering your music. Learn from Matt aka Sonic Singularity, who has taught tens of thousands of people how to finally get their mixes sounding great. The years have brought us great fundamentals in the industry of mixing and mastering music and Matt has a great way of teaching and you are able to understand him and follow along easily. The Playlist above has had over 50,000 starts and over 10,800 hours watched.

You can start learning right now by watching the free mixing tutorial series above. You will see for yourself how Matt opens your mind to the art of mixing and answers all your questions. After you have watched this series you will be ready for more in-depth learning and you can move on over to the Pro Mixing Forum @ where you will find many more tutorials on mixing and mastering covering different genres, effect chains, buss effect methods, automation, mixer routing, mastering technics, theory, Reason and much more... Reason... what? 

Thats right, you can also learn Reason Studios Reason and be able to use it to make great music. Matt runs and has made it the best place on the internet to learn Reason which is a great DAW and comes with a virtual SSL 9000K mixer, like the one in the picture above, and all the tools, instruments, and effects you need to make great music. There are 100's of the best tutorials easily found by just scrolling through the Reason Tutorial Widget. You are in the right place and on the road to making great sounding music.

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Pro Mixing Forums & Learn Reason

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